Bottom Line: With the tank removed and brought into State compliance, there was no tank issue and the house sold easily.
But this tank removal was amazing! The tank was located under a raised wooden deck. We had the owners temporarily remove 2 support posts and we cut up the concrete sidewalk over the tank. We then carefully uncovered, washed the interior, and removed the tank. Mission accomplished and it looks pretty good after the fact!
I can almost guarantee that you’ve never seen a backhoe working in such a difficult, confined space doing this big of a job. The bottom of the tank is about 5 feet down. Special thanks to Kevin Willetts for operating the backhoe with such care and precision!! If you understand the operational geometry of a backhoe, you know what an amazing feat this really was!
#PES #PracticalEnvironmentalSolutions #OilTank #OilTankRemoval #OilTankCleanup #OilTankNC