Practical Environmental Solutions, PC

Specializing in oil tank removal, contamination cleanup, and State Compliance.
Practical Environmental Solutions, PC
Practical Environmental Solutions, PC1 week ago
It was a cold and foggy morning as the excavator guarded the dirt pile for the next tank removal day!

#PES #PracticalEnvironmentalSolutions #OilTank #OilTankRemoval #OilTankCleanup #OilTankNC
Practical Environmental Solutions, PC
Practical Environmental Solutions, PC2 weeks ago
Another underground oil tank removed from a very tight space with very little working room. So tight, that we had to rent a special machine to get it done!

With the tank removed, the buyers were satisfied and bought the property.

Do you think your tank is located in a space that is too tight to allow removal? Maybe, but maybe not. We have lots of experience with tank removals from difficult spots.

We will determine the best tank closure strategy during our Tank Evaluation and will write a specific tank closure proposal for your situation. It’s always cheaper to take them out.

#PES #PracticalEnvironmentalSolutions #OilTank #OilTankRemoval #OilTankCleanup #OilTankNC
Practical Environmental Solutions, PC
Practical Environmental Solutions, PC2 months ago
Another tank removed to allow the sale of a property.

Compare the first photo (before tank removal) with the 5th photo (after tank removal). Not much difference! We try hard to make the yard impact as minimal as possible.

Big holes in this tank!

#PES #PracticalEnvironmentalSolutions #OilTank #OilTankRemoval #OilTankCleanup #OilTankNC
Practical Environmental Solutions, PC
Practical Environmental Solutions, PC2 months ago
If your home was built before 1970, make sure you don’t have an unknown buried oil tank. A rain induced over spill can be a rude awakening! Costly too!

At this property, heavy rains caused surface water to pour into an unknown oil tank. This floated the remaining fuel up and out of the tank. The resulting fuel surface spill contaminated soil all around the tank location and into the neighbor’s yard. A big mess!

PES was able to immediately seal the tank to prevent any additional fuel overflow until a tank removal and soil cleanup could be scheduled.

The tank was removed and all the surface spill contaminated soil was excavated for treatment. Take a look!

#PES #PracticalEnvironmentalSolutions #OilTank #OilTankRemoval #OilTankCleanup #OilTankNC
Practical Environmental Solutions, PC
Practical Environmental Solutions, PC3 months ago
Bottom Line: With the tank removed and brought into State compliance, there was no tank issue and the house sold easily.

But this tank removal was amazing! The tank was located under a raised wooden deck. We had the owners temporarily remove 2 support posts and we cut up the concrete sidewalk over the tank. We then carefully uncovered, washed the interior, and removed the tank. Mission accomplished and it looks pretty good after the fact!

I can almost guarantee that you’ve never seen a backhoe working in such a difficult, confined space doing this big of a job. The bottom of the tank is about 5 feet down. Special thanks to Kevin Willetts for operating the backhoe with such care and precision!! If you understand the operational geometry of a backhoe, you know what an amazing feat this really was!

#PES #PracticalEnvironmentalSolutions #OilTank #OilTankRemoval #OilTankCleanup #OilTankNC