Practical Environmental Solutions, PC

Specializing in oil tank removal, contamination cleanup, and State Compliance.
Practical Environmental Solutions, PC
Practical Environmental Solutions, PC2 months ago
Many decades ago, a carport had been built on top of the underground oil tank. When a new owner wanted to renovate the house, the carport was demolished, allowing the leaking oil tank to be removed. Good thing! This timely tank removal prevented over 100 additional gallons of fuel oil from leaking out contaminating the groundwater.

#PES #PracticalEnvironmentalSolutions #OilTank #OilTankRemoval #OilTankCleanup #OilTankNC
Practical Environmental Solutions, PC
Practical Environmental Solutions, PC2 months ago
Sometimes we find tanks that are partially underneath a house addition such that they cannot be removed. Having received the State’s written permission, we can properly close these tanks in-place and still the State to sign off on the closure.

Whether closing the tank in–place or removing it, we always need to cut it open and clean out all the liquid and sludge inside the tank.

If the tank, like this one, is closed in-place, we fill it with concrete. This prevents the tank from collapsing later and undermining the house foundation.

#PES #PracticalEnvironmentalSolutions #OilTank #OilTankRemoval #OilTankCleanup #OilTankNC
Practical Environmental Solutions, PC
Practical Environmental Solutions, PC2 months ago
It was a cold and foggy morning as the excavator guarded the dirt pile for the next tank removal day!

#PES #PracticalEnvironmentalSolutions #OilTank #OilTankRemoval #OilTankCleanup #OilTankNC
Practical Environmental Solutions, PC
Practical Environmental Solutions, PC3 months ago
Another underground oil tank removed from a very tight space with very little working room. So tight, that we had to rent a special machine to get it done!

With the tank removed, the buyers were satisfied and bought the property.

Do you think your tank is located in a space that is too tight to allow removal? Maybe, but maybe not. We have lots of experience with tank removals from difficult spots.

We will determine the best tank closure strategy during our Tank Evaluation and will write a specific tank closure proposal for your situation. It’s always cheaper to take them out.

#PES #PracticalEnvironmentalSolutions #OilTank #OilTankRemoval #OilTankCleanup #OilTankNC
Practical Environmental Solutions, PC
Practical Environmental Solutions, PC4 months ago
Another tank removed to allow the sale of a property.

Compare the first photo (before tank removal) with the 5th photo (after tank removal). Not much difference! We try hard to make the yard impact as minimal as possible.

Big holes in this tank!

#PES #PracticalEnvironmentalSolutions #OilTank #OilTankRemoval #OilTankCleanup #OilTankNC